{challenge} science fiction experience 2013

13sfexp300As we approach another New Year and contemplate ways to start it off right [like sleeping in on a weekday], I would like to offer up the suggestion of joining The 2013 Science Fiction Experience hosted by Carl V. over at Stainless Steel Droppings. Most of you have heard of it and are participating, right? But for those less familiar allow me to introduce you.

Whatever the form (book, screen, dream, illustration), Carl loves Science Fiction. And instead of creating a reading challenge, he’s taken to hosting something more of an “experience.” As Carl writes,

This event was not to be a challenge. It was not a dare nor was it a contest. It was meant to be an experience, a word I did not choose at random. The very best connections with books are more than just a detached reading, they are an experience–an immersive, engaging interaction between the reader and the characters and events between the covers. It is that tangible joy I feel when reading science fiction that I wanted to share with like readers, while at the same time creating an open, embracing forum for those to participate who have either not read science fiction in the past or have had less than successful experiences with the genre.

Yes, go ahead and send that telepathic hug his way.

The 2013 Science Fiction Experience runs from January 1st through February 28th.

Now there are no “rules,” rather you just read or watch something(s) from the genre of Science Fiction and share it with someone, at home or abroad. If you’ve a venue, post a review or discussion/conversation. There is a “Review Site” you may link to and/or find links to reviews or discussions hosted by others.

I will try to finally cobble together some response to Prometheus (2012) and Total Recall (2012). Sean suggested we use the excuse to read more Philip K. Dick. Scalzi is on the radar. The list is still formulating, but already an episode of Doll House (1009-10, Joss Whedon) is on the tele.

Of course, taking advantage of the community the experience draws together is key. Please think about joining in. If you’d like a place to host your “experience” let me know, but you don’t have to have a blog to participate.

For reading or viewing inspiration, check out Carl’s site, the Review Site, and another excellent resource would be Jeremy’s Hugo Endurance Project. our wrap-up from 2012’s.


Carl convinces very excellent Artists into lending their images for his event banners. This year he has Stephan Martiniere!


The Experience would pair nicely with these lovely events: Andrea at Little Red Reviewer created her own SF-related non-challenge, The Vintage SF Month. And World’s Without End is hosting a year-long Women of Genre Fiction Challenge.




Published by L

I read, and I write. and until recently, I sold books.

3 thoughts on “{challenge} science fiction experience 2013

  1. Great opening post, and I will take all the telepathic hugs I can get. Yes!!!

    We are working our way through season two now of Next Generation (only watched the final 2-3 seasons when it was on), will rewatch several sf films and may do a rewatch of Firefly now that we have it on bluray (thanks Santa!).

    I had to laugh, as part of my opening experience I enter the day having started 4 different SF books (Friday Society, Dragonflight, This Alien Shore and Scoundrels…Zahn’s new book that came out today). I have soooo many books I want to get in just this first month. Which is harder than it sounds because this is a busy time of year for blogging, blog visiting, etc. Must I work?!!?

    Thank you for participating, I hope the family has fun doing so and I really look forward to what 2013 has to offer you. You haven’t been around as much these past few weeks and you have been missed. I hope your family had a nice Christmas together and are having a Happy New Year. You guys are special and I want the very best for you.

thoughts? would love to hear them...