about me

updated 27SEPT2023

My name is Leslie (she/her), and this is a bit about me (and mine):

leslie d 2:2020

I’ve always been curious, exploring more than less, and rarely capable of tongue-biting. I love creative and intelligent storytellers, words involving the letter v, and knee socks.

I have an undergraduate degree in English Literature. And I may pursue a Masters in Library Science, eventually. Needless to say, Stories interest me. So does helping people build their libraries.

I created omphaloskepsis now Leslie D. as a place to write about reading books and film. Posts will look a bit more like Reader Response Notes than the typical 3-paragraph-mostly-summary Review.  There are sure to be things I dwell on continuously, either things I look at when I read, aspects I think may interest a reader, or even subjects occupying my mind for whatever reason. However, I do take practice of reading and writing seriously.

I will read pretty much anything. I adore the creative, the short, and the absurd. If I discriminate against anything, it tends to be the memoir, travel narrative or a certain historical period. I read a lot of Juvenile Fiction because of the daughter. First, I was curious what she was reading, but then I found some to be really entertaining, thought-provoking and just flat-out brilliant and inspiring. I eventually went on to spend 4 years as the Children’s Lead for a Barnes & Noble. After a short time away, I am back to selling books, this time for Powell’s Books in Portland Oregon.

I am passionate about diversity and inclusivity. By diversity, I mean, reading diversely within and across communities and genres and their intersections. By inclusively, I mean intentionally, actively, pursuing titles written and published by and featuring marginalized voices and stories; often those caught at intersections, or are less marketable (read palatable to white audiences) and/or fail to represent “the culture” as the dominate culture would prefer, you know, those vulnerable to erasure and/or degradation.

At times I will appear (because I am) hyper-focused on expanding my education in a particular community; like that year I only read Black authors, and even then, I know it was with limited intersectionality. I don’t intend to neglect anyone. I am one person, but I am determined. At the very least, may I encourage your own horizon-broadening pursuits with my own.

Have grace with my earlier musings; hold me accountable to my more recent ones. Hopefully you will notice a positive shift in my language, in my understanding, in where I tread and where I look to the perspective of someone with the better understanding/insight; the latter is going to become a particular focus.


THE DAUGHTER (aka N aka Natalya) is 22–yes, now a college grad (a Religion Reedie)–time flies. She is a creative writer, a GM of the TTRPG variety, and an avid reader and brilliant with it. It is unsurprising that she is opinionated, but she is frighteningly articulate. She is an author of essay, story, and poetry. She helps edit my writing projects and I value her opinion on several topics. We can be found geeking out on Bookish and Writerly things, and Critical Role.

nate sean
Natalya & Sean

SEAN (my husband) is an Artist and Architect who likes to read. Better, he reads things I don’t think to read and he doesn’t mind massive tomes or years long series. I pick his brain about music and I rarely watch everything he does. He is brilliant and I hope you will get to know him a bit here as well.

I welcome feedback, even thoughtfully stated disagreements. Please leave me reading recommendations or bookish links. And I thank you for your regards.

10 thoughts on “about me

  1. Leslie,

    This is brilliant! I am so happy to see that you are blogging in earnest. Thanks for the kind mention and best of fun and luck moving forward in academe, life, love, and motherhood.


  2. Leslie, thank you for your deeply thoughtful and generous review of “Lucky Breaks.” I’m so grateful to have connected with you through the book(s).

    I’ve just finished edits for the final story in the trilogy, “Lucky for Good,” and am finding it bittersweet to leave Hard Pan forever!

    Susan Patron

    1. thank you for stopping by and not only reading my humble take, but replying…
      I do appreciate the news that there is another “Lucky”…and saddened, too, that it will be a “final installment.” I look forward to “Lucky for Good,” and to whatever other brilliance you choose to share with us in the future.

  3. Thanks again, Leslie. (Apologies for leaving comment here rather than juxtaposed with your review–let’s call it a technical glitch on my part.) Wanted to add, as a former children’s librarian, how heartened I am to read that you’re looking toward a Master’s in Library Science. It’s a great field!

  4. Hi Leslie!
    I’m impressed with your text about Blade Runner Movie, a nice one:) Actually im making my Master’s Degree and writing about Blade Runner – it’s almost complete but the only one part is missing, essay about developing emotions in Nexus-6. Maybe You know where to find something more about that subject?

    Best regards, Matt

    1. thank you, Matt. and good luck with your Degree work!

      I sent an email with a few links I hope will be of some use.

  5. Leslie, Whenever you really like a book, I put it on my list to read. Some books you like, I sigh, and don’t put down because I’m old and who knows how long I’ll be around, and I not only need to read but also do what I came into this world to do and which only I can do. The work you do is valuable and useful in many ways. Thank you.

thoughts? would love to hear them...