book review FAQ’s:

What type of books do you review?

I think it would be shorter to list what I tend to avoid: vampires (glittery or otherwise), zombies, memoirs, travel narratives, explicitly violent content, self-help, and really, really long books and/or series. I enjoy everything from Picture Books to big-L literature to comics to short stories and poetry.

I am intentional about reading diversely. I love reading translated works and/or authors published outside of the United States. I love & want to promote books written by &/or featuring persons of color (POC) and/or LGBTQ+. I hope to expand in areas of disability.

Do you accept books for review?

No, thank you—unless: If we have a relationship on the blog or any other social media venue, I will accept books and recommendations. If I’ve read you or yours* at some point, I will accept your book for review and if I liked what I have read, I would welcome the opportunity to participate in promoting the author via interviews or blog tours. One of the reasons I am so particular on this matter is that I haven’t a lot of time right now.

I am very familiar with constructive criticism. I review honestly and fairly, posting on a read regardless of the number of stars I would give it (if I gave stars).

Would you be willing to participate in author interviews, blog tours, etc?

I’ve yet to participate in interviews or tours, but I wouldn’t be opposed to supporting anyone I’ve read. See above question.

*see “Book List” page, or email me and ask. omphalopskepsis(at)

Why do you seem to ignore the recommended (i.e. shorter) length posts?

When I write something completely “spoiler-free” I do not always ignore the recommended. However, I am curious about a great number of things, both in the crafting and effect of a story. I also like to support my response to the reading when I can, providing evidence/examples of why I especially like or loathe a particular part of the read, which adds length. I like to engage in conversation with the read and often carry that into a post about the book. It can run short or long but I do try to give indications of my response in the opening, and at the close.

I am not a peddler of books so much as I am a Reader of books, and that is what this blog’s primary purpose is — a place to post my thoughts on books and reading and share them where they will.

Are you affiliated with anyone I should know about?

You may notice a predilection for certain publishers or authors. Naturally, I am a fan of some more than others, however one-sided and without patron.


thoughts? would love to hear them...